Compare feeds
    • 30 Apr 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Compare feeds

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    Article summary

    Silent Push allows you to curate threat feeds by comparing the attributes of two or more feeds on the same screen, side-by-side.

    Objective evaluation of threat feeds is critical across a variety of security workflows. By comparing feeds, organizations are able to ascertain how much data is being replicated across organizational and global feeds, allowing them to focus on the feeds and collections that matter the most.

    Feeds are inherently more valuable - both from a cost and resourcing perspective - if they contain unique data that isn't featured elsewhere. Domains stuffed with out of date or widely-known observables aren't as useful as feeds that contain information that is new and unexplored.

    1. Navigate to Threat Ranking > Feeds Report

    2. Tick the box next to the feeds you'd like to compare

    3. Click Compare on the top right

    4. You'll now be presented with a categorical side-by-side analysis of all the feeds you selected, including their associated attributes.

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