Create new feeds
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Create new feeds

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    Article summary

    Silent Push allows Enterprise subscribers to create their own organizational threat feeds in three ways:

    1. From a file (CSV, JSON, TXT, STIX).
    2. From a URL.
    3. As an empty feed. Empty feeds act as a running repository for threat intelligence data, allowing organizations to add IoCs they encouter from the Explore or Enrichment screens.

    Creating a feed from a file

    When creating a feed from a file, it's important to ensure that the columns contained within your file correspond to the data that's being represented.

    For example, the domain column should be mapped with the correct domain etc. A tag column can be used to help you identify the data.

    Create A Feed From A File
    1. Navigate to Threat Intelligence Management > Feeds

    2. Click Create New Feed on the top right

    3. Select From File

    4. Specify the Feed name and Feed type

    5. (Optional) Specify the Vendor

    6. (Optional) Enter a Source Score

    7. (Optional) Enter a Description

    8. (Optional) Add a custom feed tag to help you identify the observables across multiple feeds

    9. Enter the Source Format (JSON, CSV, TXT)

    10. Click Create

    Create a feed from a URL

    Create A Feed From A URL
    1. Navigate to Threat Management > Feeds

    2. Click Create New Feed on the top right

    3. Select From URL

    4. Specify the Feed name and Feed type

    5. (Optional) Specify the Vendor

    6. (Optional) Enter a Source Score

    7. (Optional) Enter a Description

    8. (Optional) Add a custom feed tag to help you identify the observables across multiple feeds

    9. Enter the feed's URL

    10. Enter the Source Format (JSON, CSV, TXT)

    11. (Optional) If you need to authenticate before accesing the feed, specify the Authorization method and complete the relevant fields (Basic, Token, ThreatConnect API, CrowdStrike API or a Custom Header)

    12. (Optional) Click Test to test the connection

    13. Click Create

    Creat an empty feed

    Create An Empty Feed
    1. Navigate to Threat Management > Feeds

    2. Click Create New Feed on the top right

    3. Select Empty

    4. Specify the Feed name and Feed type

    5. (Optional) Specify the Vendor

    6. (Optional) Enter a Source Score

    7. (Optional) Enter a Description

    8. Add a custom feed tag to help you identify the observables across multiple feeds

    9. Click Create

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