Understand custom scores
    • 30 Apr 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Understand custom scores

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    Article summary

    Customer specific indicators are used to tailor threat intelligence source observables, according to individual business needs.

    Domain and IP scores

    A Custom score is calculated using domain and IP attributes that are added by Silent Push users:

    • Domain-based attributes
      • Similarity to Domain
      • Supply Chain Domain
      • Top Brands Domain
    • IP-based attributes
      • IP Geo spread
      • IP Range


    High Custom scores

    If a domain featured on the Threat Ranking page is similar by more than half a string's contents, the domain will get receive a Custom score > 80.


    apple[.]comis in the Similarity to Domain attribute. On the Threat Ranking page the domain appled[.]com receives a Custom score of 90.

    Low Custom scores

    If a domain featured on the Threat Ranking page is similar to less than half a string's contens, the domain will receive a Custom score < 80.


    apple[.]comis in the Similarity to Domain attribute. On the Threat Ranking page the domain appled[.]com receives a Custom score of 50.

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