Perform a manual export of threat data
    • 02 May 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Dark

    Perform a manual export of threat data

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Along with automated exports of API code snippets, Silent Push also allows to to perform local manual exports of de-duplicated threat data, without the need to use an API key.

    Manual exports are available in the following formats:

    • CSV
    • JSON
    • STIX (simple data exports only)
    1. Navigate to Threat Intelligence Management > Threat Ranking

    2. (Optional) Apply basic filtering or advanced filtering options

    3. Click Manual Export on the top left

    4. Move the slider to choose between a simple or advanced IOC export, with the latter showing the full breadth of parameters per IOC

    5. Choose the number of rows to export (enter 0 to export all rows)

    6. Choose an export format:

      1. CSV
      2. JSON
      3. STIX
    7. Your data will now be exported to your local device

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