Release 3.2 (September 2023)
    • 25 Sep 2023
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    Release 3.2 (September 2023)

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    Article summary


    Right-click contextual menus

    We've added right-click functionality to the following menus:

    • Enrichment
    • Explore
    • Attack surface mapping
    • Digital Threat Management
    • Advanced Query Builder
    • Preferences
    • Profile
    • Left menu options

    Documentation/help links

    Each recipe and advanced query now has a documentation link at the top of the screen, that links to the corresponding article in the Silent Push Knowledge Base.

    Users are able to access documentation from the Help dropdown in the top-right header section that contains links to:

    • Online help
    • API documentation
    • Silent Push blog
    • Silent Push YouTube channel

    Multi-indicator Filter Profiles

    Users are now able to multi-select Source Name, Source Vendor and ASN as a single logical expression when creating or editing filter profiles, making it quicker and easier to construct filter profiles that rely on these values.

    Filter Profile UX options

    Users are now able to perform the following actions on Advanced Filters:

    • Save - Saves the Filter Profile.
    • Update Filter Profile - Updates the Filter Profile with saved changes.
    • Share Filter Profile - Shares the Filter Profile with the user's organization.
    • Reset All Options - Resets all added indicators, conditions and logical expressions on a saved state, or empty state if the Filter Profile is not saved.
    • Apply Options - Applies the Filter Profile to the Threat Ranking table.
    • Alerts on/off - Turns email notifications on or off for newly detected IoCs.
    • Delete Filter Profile - Deletes the user's saved Filter Profile.

    We've also changed the colours on the Filter Profile UX, with blue indicating an applied set of parameters, or an applied filter.

    Creating new Filter Profiles

    Clicking on the Create New button on the left menu. under the Filter Profile section creates a new Filter Profile.

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