Domain enrichment categories
    • 02 May 2023
    • 3 Minutes to read
    • Dark

    Domain enrichment categories

    • Dark

    Article summary

    Enriching a domain observable helps your security teams to understand a domain's origin, function and risk level.

    Enriched domain data is spread out across 17 categories and sub-categories, with 70+ individual elements, including:

    • Basic Information
      • Domain information
      • WHOIS information
      • DNS Records
    • Enriched Attributes
      • IP Diversity
      • Nameserver Information
      • Nameserver Changes
      • Curated Feed History
    • Custom Attributes
    • Live Threat Feeds
    • Scan Data (obtained from Silent Push's daily IPv4 scans)
      • Certificates
      • JARM
      • Favicon
      • HTML
      • Header

    Let's take a look at each category in turn, and the individual elements contained within them that make up Silent Push's data enrichment service.

    Basic information

    Domain information

    User TagsObservable tags added by organizational users
    InfratagAutomatically generated tag that provides an at-a-glance summary of the infrastructure used by a domain
    FirstSeenThe date when this domain was first seen in the zone files
    LastSeenThe date when this domain was last seen in the zone files
    AgeThe number of days since the domain was first seen in the zone files
    DGAHow likely it is that a domain was created by an automated generation algorithm

    WHOIS information

    CreatedThe date when the domain was registered
    CountryThe country in which the domain is registered
    CityThe city in which the domain is registered
    AddressThe address at which the domain is registered
    EmailThe domain's registered email address
    ZIP codeThe domain's registered ZIP code
    RegistrarThe domain's registrar

    DNS records

    Enriched DNS data consists of a count of each individual DNS record linked to the domain, with a sum total provided underneath the table of records:

    • A
    • AAAA
    • CNAME
    • NS
    • MX
    • SOA
    • TXT

    Enriched attributes

    IP diversity

    An observable's IP diversity score is a record of the amount of IPs pointed to over a 30-day period.

    HostThe host name represents the network or system used to deliver a user to a certain address or location
    ASN DiversityHow frequent an IP changes between AS numbers
    IP Diversity (All)The amount of IPs pointed to over the last 30 days
    IP Diversity (Groups)The number of different groups of IPs pointed to over the last 30 days, where a group may concist of one or more IPs pointed to at the same time

    Nameserver information

    Each NS listed is analysed across 4 elements, with a seperate table provided for each:

    NS ReputationThe ratio of blacklisted domains, taken from the total number of domains using a nameserver
    NameserverNameserver domain name
    NS domain densityHow many domains are used by a specific nameserver
    NS domain listedHow many domains are used by a specific nameserver

    Nameserver changes

    This category lists the number of changes that have occurred related to a specific nameserver.

    NS EntropyA score that includes recency, frequency, and the number of NS changes
    Number of ChangesThe number of times the domain has changed its name servers
    Last ChangeThe number of times the domain has changed its name servers

    Curated feed history

    Curated Feeds History ScoreScore based on the frequency and recency of an observable, within trusted feeds
    First SeenTimestamp of the first time an observable appears in the feed
    Listed RecentThe most recent date where this domain or IP has been listed on at least one of the cureated feeds
    Listed SpanThe number of days between the first seen date and the most recent date where this domain or IP has been listed on at least one of the curated feeds
    Listed AllThe number of days where this domain or IP has been listed on at least one of the curated feeds (click the > arrow for a detailed breakdown

    Custom Attributes

    Organizational asset indicators (domains and IPs)

    This is an organization-specific scoring system used to tailor feed items according to unique business or supply chain assets (domains and IPs)

    Customer Domain ScoreA score that indicates an observable's similarity to other domains
    Top Brand Domain ScoreA score that indicates an observable's similarity to top brands domains
    Supplier Domain ScoreA score expressing an observable's similarity to your organization's designated supplier domains

    Scan data


    Click the Show all associated certificates button to scan for a list of associated domain certificates


    • IP
    • Domains
    • SHA1
    • Valid From
    • Valid Until
    • Issuer Common Name
    • Issuer Organization
    • Scan Date



    • JARM
    • Scan Date



    • Favicon md5
    • Favicon murmur3
    • Favicon2 md5
    • Favicon2 murmur3
    • Favicon2 path
    • Scan date



    • Body ssdeep
    • Body murmur3
    • Title
    • Scan date



    • Response
    • Server
    • Expires
    • Content Length
    • Content Type
    • Cache Control
    • IP
    • Location
    • Scan Date

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