Get information relating to a HTTP header
    • 16 May 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Get information relating to a HTTP header

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    Article summary

    HTTP headers contain valuable information that can be used to identify and mitigate a range of cyber threats, not least by identifying misconfigured or outdated web servers and applications that may be vulnerable to attack.

    By analyzing the headers of traffic associated with specific attacks or campaigns, security analysts can identify patterns and connections between different attacks, as well as the infrastructure and resources used by specific threat actors.

    Headers can also be used to identify malicious traffic and block it at the network level. Many attackers use specific headers or user agents to hide their activities, but by analyzing HTTP headers, security teams can identify these patterns and take appropriate action.

    Silent Push allows you to search through data from our daily scans of the Internet's IPv4 range to obtain information on a broad range of elements related to HTTP headers.

    1. Navigate to Advanced Query Builder > IPv4 Queries > Scan Data - Headers

    2. Specify an IP address

    3. (Optional) Specify a netmask to search across a range of IP addresses

    4. (Optional) Use Header Search to search contents of HTTP headers (limited partial match)

    5. (Optional) Limit the number of results to return

    6. (Optional) Skip a specified number of results

    7. Click Search

    Saving queries

    Organizational users are able to save individual queries ran from Advanced Query Builder, and store them in the Private Queries menu for future analysis, or to share with their organization.

    1. Specify the query parameters

    2. Click Save Query

    3. Give your query a Name

    4. Specify a Description to add more context

    5. Click Save

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