Release 1.6 (July 2022)
    • 07 Mar 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Release 1.6 (July 2022)

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    Article summary

    1. Saving API Queries

    Users can now save Query Builder queries. All queries have the Save Query option, next to the Simple and Advanced Query options.

    Users are able to name a saved query and give a short description. All saved queries are listed at the end of the Query Builder list. Hovering over the saved query will show the description in a tooltip.

    The Save option can be found below the title of the query, next to the Simple and Advanced Query options.

    2. ASN and AS Name data is now visible on Explore tables

    We've added ASN and AS Name into the Explore results tables.

    Current ASN allocation for all IP addresses are shown next to the Query and Answer columns, where relevant.

    Hovering over the ASN to shows the AS Name in a tooltip.

    3. General application updates

    Risk Score for private IP

    We are not able to give any information about private IP, which are now indicated by a gray circle on the Explore results page.

    Hovering over the gray circle will warn the user that that the IP is private, which explains why some IPs do not have an associated risk score.

    Show all tags on the enrich page

    When an observable is enriched, tags are added for all the data sources that the observable is in.

    Tooltip to explain the Infratag

    On the Infratag section there is a question mark icon that will show a tooltip on hover, with an explanation of how the infratag is constructed.

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