Release 1.8 (August 2022)
    • 07 Mar 2023
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    Release 1.8 (August 2022)

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    Article summary


    • An overhaul of the source creation interface.
    • he ability to view and edit source URLs.
    • Huge speed improvements across a range of queries.
    • Two new single sign-on phishing feeds.


    1. Creating new sources and editing source URLs

    Creating new sources just got a whole lot easier. We’ve restructured the backend and frontend of our Sources section - as well as an overhaul of the source management screen

    Also, from now on, you’re able to view and edit the URL that the source is created from:

    2. Speed improvements in Query Builder

    We’ve also made improvements to the performance of certain PADNS queries, both in the API as well as interactive queries contained within the Explore > Query Builder.

    Most queries now return results at least 10 times faster than before - allowing for a much smoother interface that speeds up any scripts retrieving data from the API.

    To address demand, we’ve focused on improvements to the most commonly performed queries - we’ll continue to make improvements to specialized queries over the next few weeks

    3. Two new single sign-on (SSO) feeds

    If you look in Sources > Feeds, you'll notice we’ve added two new feeds that are of major importance:

    • Single Sign-on Phishing IPs
    • Single Sign-on Phishing domains

    We’ve created these feeds in response to the recent Twilio data breach, which highlighted a new trend of threat actors focusing on SSO domains, in their attempts to gain access to restricted internal systems via social engineering.

    As of writing, the feeds available within Silent Push are the only comprehensive mapping of this particular campaign.

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