Release 3.4 (November 2023)
    • 04 Dec 2023
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    Release 3.4 (November 2023)

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    Article summary


    1. Enhanced query functionality

    Users are now able to perform the following actions on selected queries:

    • ‘Save As’.
    • 'Rename'.
    • Add a description.
    • Order queries in alphabetical order.

    This new feature allows users to create a query template that’s able to be re-used for different workflows, by adjusting the templated parameters. Descriptions also provide a brief summary of a query’s function and input parameters for teams that share queries across an organization.

    2. Standardized UI screens for Brand Impersonation query

    Brand Impersonation query now benefit from a standardized look and feel that builds familiarity across all platform functions, featuring the following UI elements:

    • Mandatory parameters prior to a query being saved.
    • Standard actions buttons across every page, on the bottom off the screen.
    • Consistent error handling within the UI.

    3. Stability improvements

    We’ve made back-end changes to the Advanced Filters feature that improves stability and overall usability.

    4. Multi-tag filtering options

    In the Advanced Filter screen, users are now able to select up to 50 tags in one condition to generate a more relevant set of results. A drop-down menu also provides the option to search for the desired tags.

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