Scan through passive DNS data
    • 02 May 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Scan through passive DNS data

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    Article summary

    Silent Push allows you to execute powerful scans that search through passive DNS data across a range of query types, including:

    Results are populated in the Explore screen. From this screen, users are able to:

    When performing a passive DNS lookup, wildcards are supported at the beginning or end of the domain string but not both at once.

    Scanning through passive DNS data - Method 1
    1. Navigate to Explore DNS Data > Explore Indicator DNS Data

    2. Enter a domain or IP in the search bar

    3. Click Lookup PADNS

    Scanning through passive DNS data - Method 2
    1. Enter a domain or IP in the search bar in the top navigation pane

    2. Click Lookup PADNS

    Monitoring data

    You can monitor results populated on the Explore screen for any changes, saving you time and resources by automating key queries across a range of internal workflows.

    Monitors run once every 24 hours. You'll be alerted when Silent Push detects new results via email (filtering/sorting options are not applied)

    1. Once you've received a set of results, click the Monitor button on the top right

    2. Specify a Monitor name

    3. Enter a Description

    4. Click Save

    5. Your monitored query is now visible in Monitors > Monitored Queries

    6. Read this article for information on how to share a monitor

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