Understand and access TLP Amber reports
    • 12 Aug 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Understand and access TLP Amber reports

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    Article summary

    TLP Amber reports are finished intelligence reports, that users can access with an Enterprise subscription.

    TLP Amber reports provide a comprehensive breakdown of how to detect, counteract and monitor the activities of specific threat actors, and APT campaigns.

    Access TLP Amber Reports
    1. Login to your Enterprise account

    2. Navigate to Threat Intelligence Management > TLP Amber Reports

    3. Use the boxes at the top to:

      1. Search through reports
      2. Filter reports by Tag
      3. Filter by the Feed contained within each report.

    The reports provide more platform-specific context than our public research blogs are able to offer, and allow us to pass on intelligence and threat hunting techniques deemed too sensitive for the public sphere, where threat actors may have access to it.

    TLP Amber reports

    TLP Amber reports contain links to queries, regex strings, feed data and sections on the specific actions that security teams need to take in the platform, to counteract emerging TTPs.

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