Read a Web Scanner query example
    • 08 Feb 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Read a Web Scanner query example

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    Article summary

    Here are two examples of the same query - using both the Command Line, and the Constructor - that scans for IPs hosted in Japan, seen in the last 7 days.

    1. Command Line query

    Command line example

    Command Line queries are executed using SPQL syntax. Here's a breakdown of the syntax involved in the above query:

    scan_dateField nameThe date the IP was scanned
    >OperatorIs greater than
    now-7dValueThe previous 7 days
    ANDSeparatorAnd the
    tldField nameTop level domain
    =OperatorIs equal to

    2. Constructor query

    Using the same parameters, the same query can also be executed using the Constructor feature.

    As you can see, each collection of a single Field name, Operator and Value represents a self-contained Expression, linked together by the AND separator:

    Constructor example

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