Get WHOIS history for a domain
    • 02 Apr 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Get WHOIS history for a domain

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    Article summary

    Silent Push allows users to obtain a graphical representation of WHOIS record changes for any given domain, within a set time period.

    Security teams are able to use the WHOIS History query to vizualise a domain's movement across the IP space, and track it's association with malicious infrastructure.

    Obtain a WHOIS history
    1. Navigate to Explore DNS Data > WHOIS History

    2. Specify a Domain

    3. Use the Collected Before and Collected After fields to establish a timeline

    4. Click Search

    Working with WHOIS results

    Once you've generated a set of results, the following fields are used to give a general overview:

    1. WHOIS Record First Created
    2. Latest SOA Record
    3. Nameserver Reputation scores for each nameserver

    The graph displayed shows a visual timeline of WHOIS record changes, within the specified Collected Before and Collected After dates.

    Hovering over a change gives the precise reason for the change:

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 11.47.42.png

    A tabulated version of results are displayed below the graph, corresponding to the specified timeline, with any changes tagged on the relevant date:

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 11.51.54.png

    You can expand each row to obtain the fill WHOIS record for that date, with any changes highlighted in red (the old value) and green (the new value).

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