Access enriched data
    • 30 Aug 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Access enriched data

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    Article summary

    Enriching an observable helps you to understand the origin, function and risk level of a domain, IPv4, IPv6 or ASN, by breaking down a piece of observable data into its constituent parts (DNS and on-page content), and explaining its relationship with the rest of the Internet.

    Enriching a domain or IPv4 address presents the Total View screen, which applies a multitude of queries, scans, pivot options and propriety Silent Push functions to your chosen domain or IP.

    Enriching an ASN or IPv6 address presents the standard Enrichment screen, with different categories and sub-categories of data available, depending on the data type you've chosen to enrich.

    Enrichment can be carried out in three ways:

    • From the search bar:
    1. Enter a domain, IP or ASN in the search bar

    2. Click Enrich

    • In the Explore Indicator DNS Data menu:
    1. Navigate to Explore DNS Data > Explore Indicator DNS Data

    2. Specify a domain, IP or ASN

    3. Click Enrich

    • The Enrichment menu:
    1. Navigate to Enrichment > Enrichment

    2. Specify a domain, IP or ASN

    3. Click Enrich

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