Perform an advanced threat search using filter profiles
    • 02 May 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Perform an advanced threat search using filter profiles

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    Article summary

    Silent Push allows you to curate global threat ranking data by applying advanced filtering options that are set up as part of a Filter Profile.

    Applying a custom Filter Profile to observable data allows your teams to quickly sift through hundreds of thousands of logged IOCs and focus on the data that relate to their specific job role.

    1. Navigate to Threat Intelligence Management > Threat Ranking to populate a list of all available observables contained in feeds and collections

    2. (Optional) Use Silent Push's built-in filtering options to narrow your search

    3. Click the Advanced Filter button on the top lefty to open a panel containing all available Filter Profiles

    4. Select a Filter Profile from the drop-down menu to use a prelimenary set of parameters

    5. (Optional) Adjust any logical expressions to further customise the search (this doesn't overwrite the base filter profile settings)

    6. (Optional) Add a new logical expression by clicking New Logical Expression

    7. Click Apply

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