Scan for unauthorised email servers
    • 04 Jan 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Scan for unauthorised email servers

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    Article summary

    A key line of defense against email spoofing attacks involves locating and eliminatinfg any unauthorized use of organizational TXT records.

    TXT records themselves cannot directly alter email headers or spoof addresses. However, attackers can combine SPF manipulation with other techniques to bypass email authentication protocols like DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance).

    Silent Push allows organizations to quickly locate TXT records across the IPv4 space that are associated with their domain.

    Locating TXT records

    1. Navigate to Digital Threat Management > Name in TXT Record > Create New

    2. Enter a Domain name

    3. Specify a Last Seen period

    4. (Optional) Specify a Sorting order to apply to results

    5. Click Search

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