Release 2.4.0 (Jan 2023)
    • 07 Mar 2023
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Dark

    Release 2.4.0 (Jan 2023)

    • Dark

    Article summary


    Release 2.4.0 includes improvements to the way that users are able to integrate Silent Push with their existing security stack, usage monitoring and data restrictions for Community users, monitoring amendments and workflow-based query categorisation.


    1. 'Copy API Endpoint' button added in Advanced Filtering

    Users are now able to one-click copy an API Endpoint, in the Advanced Filtering menu, allowing for logical expressions within Silent Push to be integrated into your existing security stack.

    Users are able to copy API code snippets for cURL, Python, PHO and JavaScript.

    2. Automated exports

    Users can now automate data exports based on filter profile parameters, and ordered results, directly into a security stack via a custom API URL.

    3. Query categorization

    Queries have now been consolidated into various categories, according to their specific function.

    This allows users to perform queries based on recognisable workflows that deal with the constituent parts of an organisation's threat protection operation.

    4. Monitoring options for data allowances

    Users are now able to monitor their allocated usage through a real-time dashboard that displays the number of API calls and query requests to date:

    5. In-app subscription upgrades

    Users now have the option to upgrade their subscription and data allowances within the Silent Push app

    6. 'Monitoring' menu changes

    The Monitoring menu now includes contextual information about the items that are being monitored, along with user-specified descriptions on mouseover.

    7. 100 query/API request limit enforced (Community users)

    Due to the app's popularity, we are now strictly enforcing the 100 API call/query limit for Community app users.

    Users are able to upgrade their subscription via the app by purchasing a Community 'Professional' subscription that increased their allowance to 1000 queries and API calls per day.

    8. Community App query consolidation

    Numerous granular queries have been removed from the Community App, which are either not required or feature data that would be returned in popular in top-level queries:

    • Domain cousins
    • Domain Information
    • Domain Information bulk
    • Domain infratag
    • Domain infratag bulk
    • Domain name server changes
    • Domain name server reputation
    • Domain risk score
    • Domain risk score bulk
    • Domain search name server changes
    • Domain siblings
    • Domain Summary Information
    • Domain whois information
    • Feeds get download link
    • IPv4 history information
    • IPv4 information
    • IPv4 summary information
    • IPv4 information bulk
    • IPv4 risk score
    • IPv4 risk score bulk
    • IPv6 information
    • IPv6 information bulk
    • IPv6 risk score
    • IPv6 risk score bulk
    • PADNS ASNs seen for domain
    • PADNS density lookup
    • PADNS IP diversity lookup
    • PADNS multi condition lookup
    • PADNS search ipdiversity patterns
    • PADNS search self hosted domains
    • PADNS search SOA records
    • PADNS translate hash to server names
    • Reputation - ASN reputation
    • Reputation - ASN Takedown reputation
    • Reputation - Name server reputation
    • Reputation - Subnet reputation
    • Utils job ID
    • Xperimental - autospoofing simple
    • Xperimental - PADNS change profile
    • Xperimental - PADNS domain snapshoot
    • Xperimental - PADNS resolve dates

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