Release 2.6.0 (Feb 2023)
    • 07 Mar 2023
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    Release 2.6.0 (Feb 2023)

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    Article summary


    Release 2.6.0 brings numerous improvements to the way enriched data is presented - both in terms of collapsable categories, groupings and time-based displayed options, making it quicker and easier to sift through results and target key information across all queries.

    We've also added the ability to one-click search for a list of third-party services associated with a domain, and more improvements to our popular typosquatting feature that allows users to further customise timeline parameters.


    1. Data enrichment grouping

    Information provided via data enrichment has now been grouped into several distinct categories (some of which are new to the platform) on the main enrichment page, making it easier to pivot through data and explore connecting aspects of an IoC.

    2. DNS record history added to data enrichment

    We've added a list of the most recent DNS records to the data enrichment page, with quick lookup options.

    3. IP Diversity time periods

    Users can now view a time period (of up to 90 days) that displays an IP's diversity score, instead of a standard fixed timeline.

    4. Collapsable data categories

    Enriched data categories are now collapsable, providing users with greater control over what they're viewing at any one time.

    5. Typosquatting search parameters

    Users can now provide custom timelines, using sliders, that dictates the output of a typosquatting search based on when data was first seen and last seen.

    6. Shadow IT searches

    The Shadow IT search provides you with a list of third-party services that may be set up under your domain names. To access a Shadow IT search, navigate to Explore PADNS > Shadow IT.

    Scan data added to data enrichment

    Additional scanned data is now available on the data enrichment page as a collapsable category, with granular information provided for each type:

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