Release 2.7.0 (March 2023)
    • 13 Apr 2023
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Release 2.7.0 (March 2023)

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    Article summary


    Release 2.7.0 focuses on major improvements to the left-hand menu of both the Paid and Community apps.

    Silent Push now adopts an approach to query mapping that reflects recognisable, real-world threat management workflows, carried out by multiple distinct teams.

    We've also undergone a refactoring exercise within Advanced Query Builder, which now displays query parameters in two columns, making it easier to use the app on mobile devices and tablets.


    1. 'Threat Intelligence Management' menu

    We've removed the Sources menu and consolidated all of its functions into a new menu - Threat Intelligence Management:

    1. Feeds
    2. Collections
    3. Feeds Report
    4. Threat Ranking
    5. Filter Profiles

    2. 'Enrichment' menu added

    Silent Push's data enrichment function now has its own menu option - Enrichment - providing users with one-click access to data enrichment, direct from login.

    3. 'Explore DNS Data' menu added

    For ease of use, Silent Push DNS queries have been re-named and re-organised under a new menu - Explore DNS Data - to facilitate real-world use cases:

    • IPs hosting a domain (formerly Forward A lookups)
    • IP Diversity of Domain (formerly IP Diversity query)
    • Domains Hosted on IP (formerly Reverse A lookup)
    • Domains Hosted on a Server (formerly Domains on Server)
    • Domain Name Server Changes (formerly NS Changes)
    • Domain TXT Records (formerly TXT lookup)

    To avoid confusion, we've highlighted the name of the query that's been replaced, on the top line of the new query.

    4. 'Attack Surface Mapping' menu

    We've created a workflow-based menu for our Attack Surface Mapping queries, broken down into facilitating real-world DNS defence activities across two key areas:

    Tracking a companies digital footprint (Digital Footprint for Domain).

    This section contains three new queries - Hosting Infrastructure ASNs and Hosting Infrastructure IPs, and an advanced Subdomain enumeration tool.

    Exploring common DNS vulnerabilities (Potential Vulnerabilities).

    A new query, Dangling DNS Detection, that scans for exploitable DNS records, and Silent Push's Shadow IT service that looks up third-party services associated with a domain.

    5. 'Digital Threat Management' menu

    We've added a Digital Threat Management menu containing our popular Typosquatting query, that allows organizations to scan the entire IPv4 range for domains masquerading as their own.

    Typosquatting queries are displayed under two menu options - Domain Impersonation and Shared Domain Impersonation - with the latter holding queries that are shared with other users.

    6. 'Preferences' menu

    The Preferences and Organizational Assets section of the app are now navigable from the left-hand menu.

    7. Query refactoring

    Advanced Query Builder queries have been refactored to display forms in two columns, reducing the amount of scrolling required and enhancing mobile/tablet compatibility.

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